
Accelerating the digital transformation of the African industrial sector. Factory 4.0 project. Contributing to the emergence of a resilient secondary sector.


Africa's industrial sector has enormous potential to stimulate economic growth, create jobs and reduce poverty. However, this potential remains largely untapped due to various structural and operational challenges.

Most African economies are still dominated by the primary and tertiary sectors, with manufacturing making a limited contribution to GDP. Industrial transformation is essential to diversify economies, build resilience and integrate the continent into global value chains.


  • Integration into value chains: African industries often struggle to integrate into global value chains due to low product quality, lack of international standards and absence of strategic partnerships.

  • Access to finance: Industrial companies, particularly SMEs, often find it difficult to access the finance they need to invest in equipment, technology and innovation.

  • Inadequate infrastructure: The lack of basic infrastructure, such as reliable energy, roads, ports and telecommunications, hinders industrial development. The high cost and inefficiency of existing infrastructure increases production costs.

Strategic approach

Transformation through innovation

Other areas of intervention